文:陳曉萼醫師 近日天氣酷熱,不少人躲在室內避暑,然而別以為在室內就不會受暑氣侵襲,留在悶熱的室內反而容易不自覺地中暑。 天氣酷熱潮濕時在密封屋內或車內,空氣不流通,困住暑氣和濕氣;同時人體散熱速度下降,環境溫度逐漸升高,若再加上人體溫度調節不佳,則容易引起中暑。特別是老人...

文:蔡忻愉醫師 大節總是離不開美食,農曆新年有賀年糕點、元宵節有湯丸、中秋節有月餅、聖誕節有火雞……每逢節日各種聚會過後,不少求診者都抱怨胃腹滯脹、胃口轉差等等「食滯」的表現。 食滯,中醫之稱爲「食積」或是「積滯」,指人體因為飲食不節,導致停聚中焦(指脾胃)的疾病,臨床上主...

Understanding TCM: Qi氣
You may have heard a mysterious term ‘Qi’ (or ‘Chi’, pronounced ‘Chee’) when you learn about Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Some of...

Hamstring strain
The term ‘hamstring’ is actually referring to a group of muscles that are located at the back of your thigh, running from your hip down...

Ankle sprain
Ankle sprains are common injuries that can happen to anyone at any age. A sprained ankle (or a ‘twisted ankle’) occurs when one or more...

Frozen Shoulder
‘Frozen Shoulder’ is the common name of adhesive capsulitis, a condition that causes pain and stiffness in the shoulder. As its name...

Tennis elbow
One of the common causes of elbow pain is tennis elbow. Tennis elbow is clinically called lateral epicondylitis, which is the...

Knee pain
Knee Pain is usually caused by acute injury or degeneration. Sports such as running, climbing, cycling and jumping put a lot of...

Lower Back Pain
Lower Back Pain Kung Hei Fat Choy! We wish you a fruitful Year of Pig! Many people claimed that they have tiredness on their lower back...

Neck pain
Neck Pain is caused by injury, or continuous improper posture such as bending the neck down. It is very common nowadays especially with...